Traffic Generation Through Social Bookmarking
Generate Traffic from Social Bookmarking Sites.
Hi everybody,
This is my first post in this blog.For all of you out there who are just began to start blogging or who already had a blog or a site with less traffic, here is the good news , iam gonna share a few techniques to boost your traffic.well lets get to the business.
- Social Bookmarking Sites
Social bookmarking takes place inside of particular web sites.You join them as a user under whatever name you’d like to use, and you can create a profile as well. It sounds a little bit like MySpace or Facebook , but, true social bookmarking sites are different, because they let each user archive information about their favorite web pages.Other users on the site can access this in formation, searching for it through various mediums including topics and tags which you create with each bookmark.
These Social Bookmarking sites also help you generate more valuable back-links.The more back links a web site has, the higher it will rank in the search engines.When you submit your bookmarks or favorite web pages to these sites, search engine spiders will crawl them more frequently.
List of Some Very Popular Social Bookmarking Sites:
List of Some Tools For Automated Social Bookmarking:
There are several tools for your bookmarking worries. Use these tools to automate your advertising on bookmarking sites.Some of them are not free, but its very use full if you want do this fully automated.
The next one is a must have tool. Magic Submitter is a powerful SEO software!. It costs money but its worth it. So go for it.
Magic Submitter Spins And Submits Your
Articles, Videos, Blogs, And Press Releases To Over 500 Sites And Gives You 1000’s Of Backlinks Automatically….
Plus You Can Instantly Add 100’s Of Additional SitesClick the below link to get this software At special offer price....
So thats it. Try this method on your site and experiment with other tools too . Search on google
for keywords like: “social bookmarking submission”.pls feel free to comment...
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