Isochiral Music - Enhance Your Lifestyle in Minutes

Enhance Your Lifestyle in Minutes - No Headphones Required

isochiral music

Reprogram Your MIND And BODY Placing Positive Affirmations Into Your Brain. Accurately calibrated music synthesis software has been used to create the exact isochronic beat frequencies required to induce a deep and consistent trance or hypnotic state.The vocal guidance will help to create the exact conditioning necessary to accept the affirmations without question.

The use of affirmations has been used successfully for many years.The affirmations build in the subconscious over a period of time to encourage the user to change their behaviour or improve their performance. 

brainwave entrainment

Titles include; weight loss, beating addiction, total concentration, fantastic creativity, healing energy, massive motivation, supreme optimism, pain control, supreme optimism, pain control, better relationships, self confidence, self esteem, exam success, business success, lucid dreaming guide, releasing the past, public speaking, finding love, making decisons, speed reading, accepting yourself, accepting criticism, stop smoking, super memory

This combined technique has been shown to be significantly more effective than using conventional affirmations alone.

The programs last for 60 minutes and have a fantastic success rate. You do not need headphones or special equipment to get the full benefits of these programs.

The programs can be used in any situation even while you are asleep.

For more information and to see the full range please

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